Marinated Product Pump

The Murzan CBTU 50 Marinated Products Transfer Unit can increase yields, increase production, reduce labor costs and reduce sanitation costs.
It can be accomplished without compromising the integrity of your product, keeping value in your value added chicken.
The Murzan CBTU-50 is a dual discharge pump which provides a consistent product flow, keeping your lines full.
The Murzan CBTU-50 is designed to pump directly from your vacuum tumbler discharge to your IQF, frying lines, or breading tumbler. For the first time you can pump chicken tenders, fillets, or disjointed wings without damage.
We have successfully pumped product at a rate of 10,000 pounds an hour, at a distance of up to 100 feet. .
Pumps and Spares are stocked in the UK by Diaphragm Pumps Ltd